Ask Master Mingtong: What are Healing Intensive Retreats?
Master Mingtong Gu’s Intention for Healing Intensive Retreats at The Chi Center The practical benefits of Wisdom Healing Qigong are very spiritual. Qigong brings a spiritual force into the physical dimension of life thereby completing the spiritual purpose of life: transformation, manifestation, and fulfillment. Master Mingtong reports, that from his experience in China, this kind […]
Ask Master Mingtong: How do stress and trauma contribute to disease and pain?
Did you realize that a lifetime of unreleased stress and trauma can contribute to chronic pain, disease, and a loss of vitality as you age? It’s true, but how? And more importantly — is it reversible? According to Qigong wisdom, over the years, we accumulate stress and trauma which causes energetic blockages in our organ […]
Ask Master Mingtong: Can Qigong principles enhance the effectiveness of my medications?
Can energetic principles be used to expand the benefits of medicine? In a word, yes. Many people have a conflicted relationship with pharmaceuticals, medications, and even health supplements. When faced with challenging health conditions, they may think, “I wish I didn’t have to take this medicine, but I must.” Unfortunately, this attitude develops a love-hate relationship […]
Ask Master Mingtong: How Can We Fortify Our Immune Systems?
Fend Off Viral Infections and Heal the Energetic Causes of Auto-Immune Conditions, Cancer, and Other Disease It is always a good time to strengthen your immune system, and there’s never been a more important time than right now! Your body relies on your immune system to defend it from health issues including acute and chronic conditions — […]