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Wisdom Healing Qigong ∙ Timeless Inspiration & Wisdom Practices

Self-Study Courses with Master Mingtong Gu

The path to a peaceful mind and healthy body is waiting for you. Wherever you feel stress, challenges, or limitations is the same place the seeds of new inspiration and new possibilities live.

Innovative Self-Study Videos with Unlimited Access

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20+ Modules

Energize your full potential by opening the natural flow of chi life-force energy.... How?

"Wisdom Healing Qigong is a powerful self-healing and self-realizing system to awaken to Pure Consciousness, reconnect with Pure Energy, and transform the limited patterns of your lifetime, so you can realize your essential nature and the full potential of your life."
Master Mingtong Gu

QIGONG: An Ancient Practice Kept Secret for Over 5,000 Years

Many of the world’s greatest healing practices were developed over thousands of years by ancient Qigong masters in China.

These Qigong masters of millennia past were the original scientists of the subtle body — working with the circulation of chi (life force energy) through coordinated flowing movement and meditation for increased health, happiness, awareness, serenity, longevity, and more.

Their capacity to heal body and mind through focusing on life force energy is now legendary — and eminently practical.

The result of their work? Proven methods for greater flow of energy throughout your body, which in turn increases vitality, mental clarity, emotional flexibility, and overall good health.

Regular Wisdom Healing Qigong practice can have dramatic effects on your happiness, well-being, stress levels, long-standing health issues, and feelings of fulfillment and self-actualization.

The gift of Qigong is that it helps us come back into our bodies to heal in mind, body, and heart every day, resulting in both short and long term benefits of greater health, resilience, and possibilities for Life — even during times of collective crises, global transformation, and personal distress.

Wisdom Healing Qigong
3 Life-Affirming Courses To Transform And Enhance Your Health & Happiness


During this Qigong teaching program, Master Mingtong Gu will joyfully guide you through cultivation of energy and how to connect your heart, mind, and body to cultivate an abundance of chi flow to enhance your health, happiness, and daily life. We have selected specific Wisdom Healing Qigong teachings for this program that are focused on rejuvenating and awakening key areas — your immune system and your vitality. Master Mingtong will guide you in the steps to explore powerful Qigong wisdom and create your own practice for fostering vibrant health and wellbeing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

In spite of the many conveniences of modern living, people are experiencing deep stress and health challenges that are placing unrelenting workloads on their body systems. While a weary mind and body may be the new normal for many even not aware, we’ll explore how you can learn to be aware and release the stress by re-connecting mind and body.

In this module, you’ll: Learn to come back to your body beyond mental stress and busy-ness; Discover and experience the power of the inner smile; Practice mindfulness of your body and deep compassion for yourself and others

Even while facing the modern challenges of life and stress in all levels, you will learn to discover and connect with body as expression of life energy. Through movement, you will learn to infuse your body energy with your intention of healing … and open the key areas of your body to release stress and activate energy flow.

In this module, you’ll learn the power of intention with Haola sound and deep healing activation; learn and practice “Spinal Bone Marrow” movement to release stress and open the energy of your spine and whole body; Practice and deepen mindfulness with aliveness and power of life energy

Even though our brain and mind provide many gifts, we are often stressed and lost in the busy-ness of thoughts and disconnected from the source of creative life within and around us. Through Qigong you will discover and connect with deep dimensions of your body energy. Through movements of your hips, you will learn to activate Jing energy to release stress and tap into the power of creation within you.

In this module, you’ll learn the power of Jing energy to improve your DNA function; learn and practice “Hip Rotation” movements to release stress and open the energy of your hips and whole body; practice and deepen mindfulness meditation with connection with the Earth and the land

The health of your mind and body is affected by your emotions, and the heart has a significant influence on the wellbeing. Qigong offers a pathway to transform worry, anxiety and stress by opening your heart. You will also learn a power movement with sound to release tension and discomfort often felt in the shoulders, upper back, and chest.

In this module, you’ll learn to open your heart to joy and appreciation of your body and your life; learn and experience the power of Chen Chi movement with sound; deepen mindfulness practices with joyful energy

Even with the help of the sophisticated technologies of our modern life, we are increasingly experiencing disconnection from Earth and Heaven. Qigong allows us to reconnect with wholeness of life by activating the energy flow through and connection of the body within and with all Life.

In this module, you’ll learn to open the flow of the energetic highway inside you and experience the connection of Earth and Heaven; learn and experience the power of your inner dragon through “Bending Spine” and “Dragon Arms” movements; deepen your mindfulness practice with vertical alignment of energy flow

When illness or problems with aging occur, you can suddenly find yourself struggling to adjust and locate even ground on this new uneven path. Qigong helps you stay in motion with balance by moving your body and slowing down your mind. We’ll explore and integrate the role of mindfulness and movement in every day life.

In this module, you’ll learn to integrate all teaching as a way of healthy living and practice of life; experience the power of the energy movement practice “Awaken Vitality”; deepen your mindfulness practice with stillness and movement

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In the midst of great challenges it can be hard to remember the bounty of life that exists all around us. It can also be challenging to connect to the beauty and power of life in stages of regeneration. Wisdom Healing Qigong allows us to open to the invisible energy of the Universe and the abundance of life on the Earth, and to return to our inner connection with the energy of life. This energy is the source of creation and manifestation and is the the truest presence of abundance. Your connection and cultivation of energy is the first step to awakening your power of manifestation and fulfillment.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

In this times of crisis, we can feel isolation and a strong desire to connect. On one hand, we know loneliness is one of the main epidemics of modern life, and a main cause of emotional anxiety and physical illness. On the other hand, this problem is amplified and re-enforced by the necessity of staying home. We may feel more anxiety and hopelessness while we feel unsettled at home. Wisdom Healing Qigong offers deep solutions. Through the practice you learn to return back to your body as your inner home and to develop a deeper connection with subtle energy. When you feel the connection within your body, you can feel more settled and at home — both inside your body and inside the house in which you live. When we connect with subtle energy, we feel more settled in our spiritual home — planet Earth and the Universe. When we practice Qigong together in a group – even online – we experience deep wisdom, love, and connection with each other, as well as a sense of spiritual refuge within the collective presence of one another.

In this module, you’ll be guided through your personal connection of coming home to your body with inner awareness; experience the 3 Energy Home Meditation to experience deep connection and safe refuge; use “Haola” (All is well and getting better) to connect with your unique intention and life purpose; Learn to relax, recharge, and restore your body energy to rebuild your immunity.

Your heart is the gateway to love and joy. When you like someone or something, your heart opens and you experience joy and love. And when you encounter someone or something you dislike, your heart closes down. You may experience withdrawal, numbness, or contempt.

In challenging times we experience stress and contraction of the heart and mind. The more your heart opens, the more you can connect to your deepest intentions and envision a new future — personally and collectively.

You’ll learn how to open your heart using the ancient technology of vibrational Sound Healing using your own voice; how and why to keep your heart open even when feeling other emotions such as anger and fear; how to strengthen your immune system by opening the energy of your heart.

One of our most important challenges, especially in this time of the global pandemic and isolation, is feeling like life is on hold, stuck, and hopeless. Wisdom Healing Qigong helps us “unstick” the energy, awaken the creative power of life within us. Energy flow can freeze or contract when you experience great challenges. When you reconnect with your inner power and awaken its natural flow, you return to your resourcefulness and awaken your creative power to restore balance and resilience in your life.

In this module, You will Learn the movement of Hip Rotations from Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down to open the lower part of your body; Explore the importance of your energy center called mingmen, “The Gate of Life” and open your deep connection to inner and outer creativity; Learn and practice concentration through the dantian energy center meditation; Learn to connect the power of creativity to awaken your immune system and inner resilience

In the midst of great challenges like uncertainty, loss of a job, money or a sense of security, it is hard to remember the abundance of life. It can be challenging to connect to the beauty and power of life in stages of regeneration. Wisdom Healing Qigong allows us to open to the invisible energy of the Universe and the abundance of life on the Earth, and to return to our inner connection with the energy of life. This energy is the source of creation and manifestation and is the the truest presence of abundance. Your connection and cultivation of energy is the first step to awakening your power of manifestation and fulfillment.

In this module, you’ll learn the 3 dimensions — physical, emotional, and spiritual — that form a relationship to abundance; free the contracted energy in your body to move from limitation to flow and abundance; learn the first sequences of Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down to open your energy flow both horizontally and vertically

We all live with the stories of our lives. They include our personal stories, generational stories, and collective stories. Each individual story is often complex and challenging. Your story often identifies who we are or are not, what we can or cannot accomplish, what we want or do not want. Your story determines patterns in your life —past, present, and future. Pure Consciousness teachings and practices in Wisdom Healing Qigong free us from any limitation of our stories about the past, what’s happening in the present and what might be in the future. These practices allow us to rediscover, reconnect, and awaken to the essence of who we are — which is open, free, and limitless pure consciousness. These practices give you a “vacation” from stressful and limiting stories, concepts, and belief about your life, and open to broader possibilities. You can experience a spiritual refuge within and simultaneous connection to all existence of life.

In this module, you’ll: Learn how to activate inner alignment of energy for healing, manifestation and deep fulfillment; Learn and activate your “Shenji Palace” energy center to access the deeper power of your pure consciousness beyond limiting stories, beliefs, and inner conflicts; Be guided through “Pure Consciousness” meditations and transmissions; Activate your natural intelligence and wisdom for integrating Pure Consciousness throughout your mind, body, and heart

You may wonder why you have not yet fulfilled a long time dream or an important goal. You might have learned the importance of setting your intentions, positive thinking, or other techniques that help to realize your hidden potential. And yet, it’s very typical to feel exhausted and disappointed to see all your “New Year Resolutions” pass from dazzling to fizzling, like July 4th fireworks. The secret behind “The Secret” of manifestation is the inner alignment of your mind, heart, and body. When the mind and heart are disconnected or in conflict strong intentions are not enough. The most powerful and effective way to realize your inner alignment is to cultivate your connection and communication with your entire energy body — encompassing all dimensions of mind, heart, and body.

In this module, you’ll learn the 2nd sequence of Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down; practice deeper connection with your Shenji Palace energy center to integrate all dimensions of your mind, body, and heart; explore the 3 Energy Bodies and their connection and functions. 

The power of the teachings of Wisdom Healing Qigong is based on a paradigm of Oneness of Life. The expression of Life is interaction, interconnection, and inter-relationship. The journey to fulfillment starts with your inner relationship with yourself, — your body-mind-heart and your essence. When we cultivate our inner and energetic relationship to life, we build the capacity to reconnect with all of Life. Then, all interactions and all relationships in your life can be infused with deeper wisdom, love and compassion. This is the key to experiencing deep life fulfillment.

In this module, you’ll Learn and practice the 3rd and closing sequence of Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down; Explore and connect to deep energetic relationships within and without; Experience the interconnection, interaction, and integration of life as deep joy and fulfillment

It’s easy to lose track of your life purpose when you feel health-challenged or emotionally overwhelmed. Qigong practices that open energy, awaken your essence, and cultivate inter-connection, are the pathways to realizing your deep purpose. Through this integration, our mind-body-heart can move as one — united, fully connected and truly fulfilling our soul’s purpose. We are each on a personal and a collective awakening journey and vision quest.

In this module, you’ll: Be guided through the integrated practice of the practice method, Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down; Experience deep integration of your energy system that is comprised of 3 energy bodies; Restore the flow of energy as the basis of the health, happiness, and fulfillment for your life; Learn and practice self-love, self-compassion, self-care, and self-responsibility — which are essential to healing and self-realization; Discover your spiritual essence, connection, and fulfillment — even in light of stressful and challenging times

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The health of your mind and body is affected by your emotions, and worry has a significant influence on your wellbeing. In this program you will learn to release grief, heartache, emotional distress, or trauma that can be the source of disease, depression, and pain. Emotions are stored, and often locked in the organs. By unblocking the organ’s energy, through specific sound and vibrations, challenging emotions can shift into positive states of harmony and oneness – joy and love. Qigong offers a pathway to transform emotional patterns. Rather than succumb to the stagnation and trapped feeling that excess worry brings, we’ll learn the healing sounds that will help you release stress and open up a new sense of possibility for self-love, love for others, and loving your life.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

In spite of the many conveniences of modern living, people are experiencing deep stress and health challenges that are placing unrelenting workloads on their immune systems. While a weary mind-body may be the new normal for many, we’ll explore how Qigong offers an alternative by connecting with your body and discovering energy within and around. You will learn to release grief, heartache, emotional distress, or trauma that can be the source of disease, depression, and pain. Emotions are stored, and often locked in the organs. By unblocking the organ’s energy, through specific sound and vibrations, challenging emotions can shift into positive states of harmony and oneness – joy and love.

In this module, you’ll be guided through the “Coming home to your body with inner awareness and love”; experience the Inner Smile Meditation, which you can do on your own to start each day and to relieve stress and experience inner joy; use “Haola” (All is well and getting better) to connect with deep intention and purpose; how to relax, recharge and restore your body energy to rebuild your immunity and resilience.

Your heart is the gateway to love and joy. When you like someone or something, your heart opens and you experience joy and love. And when you encounter someone or something you dislike, your heart closes down and you experience numbness or contempt. In challenging times we experience stress and contraction of the heart and mind.

You’ll learn: How to open your heart using the ancient technology of Vibrational Sound; How to keep your heart open even when feeling other emotions such as anger and fear; How your Open Heart can transform suffering and challenges at this particular time in humanity; How to strengthen your immune system by opening energy of your heart; How to activate essential qualities of the heart including wisdom, joy, love, and passion.

In this module, we explore neutralizing ours fears so they don’t weaken your kidney and reproductive systems. Modern times tend to heighten the sense of fear, not only because we are afraid about our own health or life condition, but also because we sense and share in others’ fears — especially during challenging times.

When our kidney energy is frozen or contracted (through internal conditioning or external challenge) we experience fear. Through Qigong, we move from fearfulness to care-fullness and transform fearful patterns into inner creativity, using chanting sounds that enable us to act rather than react.

In this module, you’ll learn the movement of Hip Rotations for the kidneys for neutralizing fear and awakening the spine; explore the deeper essential role of kidney sounds for awakening new vitality; learn to connect the power of creativity to awaken your immune system and inner resilience.

The health of your mind and body is affected by your emotions, and worry has a significant influence on the wellbeing of your digestive and immune systems. Qigong offers a pathway to transform worry. Rather than succumb to the stagnation and trapped feeling that excess worry brings, we’ll learn the healing sounds for the digestive system that will help you release stress and open up a new sense of possibility.

In this module, you’ll Learn three dimensions of digestive system: physical, emotional, and mental; Free the contracted energy in your digestive system to move from worry to confidence; Activate the power of the digestion to process information, digest food, and transform stress.

Much like the young seedling reaches up through the winter’s ground to blossom into a flower, each one of us can find the courage to rise up and train our mind-body-heart to live more brightly. We are often told that certain health or body conditions cannot heal, but in Qigong we learn to tap into new possibilities. Master Mingtong will guide you to find the courage to change your health and provide the steps that can get you started.

In this session, you’ll recognize relationship between immune system and purification of life; be guided through a “Purifying Practice” that includes movement, sounds, and meditation to balance the liver system; activate your natural life intelligence for optimal immune functionality and purification of energy

This module’s teachings and practice allow us to cultivate sympathy, self-compassion, and release sorrow for the self. In the cooler months and during the pandemic health crisis, the respiratory system — from lungs to skin — gets sluggish, and congestion develops. We feel sadness, grief even depression.

Yet you can open internal energy through Qigong healing sounds to transform tears and sorrow into compassion.

In this module, you’ll learn the movements of Chen Chi for building internal energy for lungs and heart; practice the sounds for the lungs with the intention of cultivating deeper compassion for self and life; practice deep organ breathing and low abdomen breathing; explore the steps to inviting a more restful sleep through a Deeper Sleep Meditation.

In Qigong we learn to connect with the flow of energy, focus on specific areas of mind, body, and heart, and then synthesize everything into one holistic path. Through this integration our mind, body, and heart can move as one, fully connected.

In this session, you’ll be guided through a “Five Organ Integrated Practice”; experience deep integration of your brain with the five organ system and your entire body; understand the connection of personal, interpersonal, and inter-generational energies — individual and universal.

It is easy to lose track and purpose of life when you feel health-challenged or emotional overwhelm. Through Qigong practices for releasing stress and transforming emotions, you can re-connect your deep purpose.

In this module, you’ll Learn and practice self-love, self-compassion, self-care, and self-responsibility as the foundation of healing and self-realization; Practice meditation to connect your highest vision of yourself within the wholeness of life; Learn to align your inner purpose with the flow and change of life; Discover your spiritual essence and freedom in this challenging time

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Who is Master Mingtong Gu?

As a Qigong Master, Teacher, and Healer based on his success working with people of all ages with many physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges, Master Mingtong founded the Wisdom Healing Qigong method to make Zhineng Qigong accessible to Western lifestyles and cultures and to benefit people around the world. The Zhineng Qigong lineage stems from 5,000-year-old Chinese wisdom traditions we now know as Qigong.

Master Mingtong didn’t discover Qigong while he was growing up in China. His childhood was very poor, unprivileged, and unstable due to multiple adoption placements and then returning to his birth family at age 8. He suffered from scoliosis and asthma, leaving him in a body that was full of pain.

At age 22 he left the country of his birth for America and studied Mathematics for 4 years at UCSD and Harvard. However, living in a wealthy country and earning two Masters in mathematics didn’t make him happy… and no amount of medical treatment could improve his scoliosis or asthma. He realized he was living a joyless life.

After he got in touch with a deep longing for happiness, almost overnight he let go of his career as a mathematician and followed his heart to study fine arts. He rediscovered himself, his passion, his freedom and his pathway to creative expression, while earning an MA in Photography and an MFA in Multi-media Art. But even while doing something he loved, there was an emptiness that he couldn’t fill. He was lost.

Not long afterwards, an American friend introduced him to the practice of Qigong, and he knew right away that Wisdom Healing Qigong was the answer he had been looking for — that through practice he could discover the fulfillment of his heart’s desires and the healing he didn’t even know was possible.

Master Mingtong’s dedication to Qigong led him to discover Grandmaster Dr. Pang Ming and the Medicine-less Qigong Center in China, where he apprenticed intensively for several years in his 30’s. After the completion of his Masters-level training with Grandmaster Pang, Master Mingtong came back to the West, determined to dedicate his life to the teaching of Wisdom Healing Qigong, with his 100% dedication and commitment to the vision of healing and awakening of humanity.

Now, for more than twenty years, he has continued to trust his calling and do everything possible to share the amazing gift of Qigong he received, practiced, and mastered.

Watch this video about how Master Mingtong Gu’s story and life journey prepared him for his new vision of service dedicated to the healing and awakening of the world.

About Master Mingtong Gu

Master Mingtong is one of the World’s Leading Practitioners of Zhineng Wisdom Healing Qigong. He brings his joyful spirit, uplifting teachings, and extensive mastery to his intention to train others to expand wisdom and energy. He has mastered the unique ability to lead the collective energy field to accelerate personal and global healing. Named The Qigong Master of the Year by the World Congress for Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Master Mingtong is a sought after speaker, healer, and teacher for retreats and workshops around the world.

He founded The Chi Center and The Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong to bring Qigong wisdom to benefit others, based on his success working with people of all ages and with many physical and emotional challenges. Master Mingtong is also the author of several books and many online programs that translate the ancient teachings of Wisdom Healing Qigong for contemporary times.

Master Gu’s teacher, Dr. Heming Pang is an acclaimed Qigong Grandmaster trained in both western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. He synthesized his profound medical knowledge of the old and new healing sciences with the ancient art of Qigong practice.

Dr. Pang developed Zhineng Wisdom Healing Qigong, and founded a world-renowned medicine-less Qigong hospital – the largest in China. There, extensive research and effective applications of Zhineng Qigong as a mind-body science resulted in the Chinese government naming Zhineng as one of the most effective medical Qigong methods.

You can find more information about the history, data, and outcome statistics from studies at The Center in China here.

What Other Spiritual Teachers & Leaders Are Saying About Master Mingtong Gu

“Master Mingtong is full of vitality, wisdom, and skill. He is a real healer and the practices he teaches can change your life.”

~ Jack Kornfield, PhD, Spiritual Leader, Founder of Insight Meditation, and Author of A Path with Heart; After the Ecstasy: The Laundry; Buddha’s Little Instruction Book, and dozens more best-selling titles.

Master Mingtong Gu has brought a level of transmission of mind-body practice that is unparalleled in my experience. Since making these teachings available to patients in my medical practice they have become healthier and happier.”

~ Brian Bouch, MD Founder of Hill Park Medical Center, UCLA School of Medicine

Master Mingtong Gu created an energy field that is truly healing. I personally know three friends who, after years of seemingly insurmountable health problems, have regained their vitality and been transformed through their work with him. He’s the real deal.”

~ James Baraz, Meditation Teacher, Author of Awakening Joy

I came away from a retreat with Master Mingtong filled with a wonderful sense of aliveness, wakefulness, and openheartedness. He is a compassionate healer, a wise teacher, and a real force for transformation in today’s world.”

~ Tara Brach, PhD, Clinical Psychologist and Meditation Teacher

Many people I know personally have benefited greatly from their work with Master Mingtong. He not only promotes healing through transmission, he teaches people how to heal themselves. How wonderful this is!”

~ Lama Palden Drolma, Dharma Teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist Vajrayana tradition, and Author of Love On Every Breath

Straight out of the Chinese Medicine-less Qigong Hospital, Master Mingtong Gu has brought the radically powerful ancient self-healing protocols of Qigong to the USA. Consisting of simple movements, visualization, and sounds, this modality has risen to the top of my list for liberating the body of stuck patterns of illness … and an adventure into the farthest reaches of science-based holistic medicine.”

~ Kelly Brogan, MD, Holistic Psychiatrist and Author of A Mind of Your Own

“Master Mingtong Gu is an exquisite embodiment of being “happy for no reason.” I’ve had the great pleasure of taking courses from Master Gu, and I continue to receive wonderful benefits from those courses and experience better health and a more joyful life. His message is a true blessing to our world that is in need of more happy Chi!

~ Marci Shimoff, Author, Happy for No Reason, Love For No Reason, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

Master Mingtong Gu is the real deal. He is a teacher who is living his teaching. When I am in his presence, I can feel his inner bliss permeate my heart. As I practice his easy Qigong techniques I am finding my days are much more aligned and effortless”

~ Janet Bray Attwood, Author, The Passion Test

Through Wisdom Healing Qigong… you’ll experience the profound power of energy healing to expand your perception and possibilities for your life… You’ll activate the energetic power within to release stagnant energies and open into new dimensions of wholeness, and positive physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states of being.

What Others Want You To Know...

“I began practicing WHQ to heal an illness a few years ago. As I progressed in the coursework I experienced peaks and valleys and slowly increased my health and happiness baseline. In time, I realized Wisdom Healing Qigong is a spiritual journey in the river of life and have embraced the flow. Many blessings and my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Master Mingtong Gu.”

~ Michael C.

“Master Mingtong Gu is a healer of the best kind – he empowers one to heal oneself and, in so doing, heal the world one person at a time. Just knowing and learning about Mingtong and his form of Qigong had a positive impact on my life.”

~ Elaine K.

“Through Wisdom Healing Qigong, I have experienced more energy, joy, and a feeling of being more centered – less need to react to or control what is going on around me. My body is feeling more ease and less pain. It is a daily practice that will be a life-long practice for me!”

~ Susan, A .

“Qigong has not only saved my life, but has brought about a revitalization of my body that goes beyond the healing of disease. There is an awakening within my system, an integration of all aspects of self that my western mind could barely conceptualize prior to doing this work.”

~ Bonnie B

This is the second program I have done with Master Mingtong. It’s been invaluable to access his teaching in this way. Being able to participate as though we are present in the same room and know that there are participants all around the world connecting at the same time made it a really powerful experience.”

~ Beverley D.

“This course has allowed me to greatly deepen my practice. In particular, I feel much more embodied than I did prior to the course. This allows me to slow down and feel my connection with the earth and present time more fully. This course has also assisted me in experiencing calmness and relaxation even in the midst of stressful circumstances. I highly recommend Qigong as a most powerful foundation for not only learning, but also for an ever deepening daily practice”.

~ Jay B.

“I loved the teachings with Master Mingtong Gu. He is a light-hearted wonderful teacher and the content was full. I experienced calming and beautiful energy with the practices and could feel his energy transmissions via Zoom! “

~ JoAnne, Florida

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Qigong Sound Healing To Support The Highest Vision For All Relationships

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Qigong movements are adaptable for accessibility, gentle, and free flowing. Accompanying visualization and meditation can be done in any comfortable position —sitting, standing, or lying down. FTC DISCLOSURE: Wisdom Healing Qigong is not intended to diagnose, cure, or be a substitute for professional medical advice. Before beginning this, or any wellness program, please consult your trusted healthcare professional. Any instructions given or suggestions made during the course of Master Mingtong Gu’s Chi Center programs are not intended as a substitute for medical counseling or treatment. Please consult with your primary care physician before beginning this energy practice. Any health claims shared by viewers, students, friends, subscribers, or clients are understood to be true and accurate, representing their subjective experience, but are not verified. Results will vary from person to person. Always do your own due diligence and use your best judgment when making any health-related decisions and purchases.
