October 2024: Online Healing Intensive Qigong Retreats

Rejuvenate Your Spirit, Restore Your Energy, and Experience Profound Healing Through the Practice and Wisdom of Qigong with Qigong Master Mingtong Gu


Healing Intensive Retreat For Physical and Emotional Healing Part 1

October 1 - 6, 2024


Healing Intensive Retreat For Physical and Emotional Healing Part 2

October 8 -13, 2024

October 1 - 6, 2024

Heaven On Earth

Healing Intensive Retreat For Physical & Emotional Healing

Healing and Awakening Retreats with Master Mingtong Gu are the most focused and in-depth Qigong healing Retreats offered to people facing health and wellbeing challenges of all kinds: physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

This retreat will focus on releasing physical and emotional blockages throughout our cellular memory that are the source of dis-ease, discomfort, pain, and emotional challenges.

You will experience the movements, sounds, meditations, and visualizations of Wisdom Healing Qigong while engaging in intensive practice that opens your energy flow to deeper levels of physical, emotional, and spiritual energetic healing. Receive direct energetic transmissions that help you absorb and assimilate the powerful teachings into embodied wisdom, that informs and transforms you on a cellular level.

This Retreat is suitable for all levels — beginning to advancedIf your primary challenges are healing your physical challenges, it it highly recommended that you attend both Fall 2024 Retreats for the best results. 

We begin the program at 5:40pm US Mountain Time on Tuesday, and will wrap up at 3:00pm on Sunday.  

OCTOBER 8 -13, 2024

The Infinite Flow Of Life

Healing Intensive Retreat For Physical & Emotional Healing

This Retreat will focus on Mental, Emotional, and Physical energy flow to release energetic blockages that can become the source of dis-ease, discomfort, pain, and emotional challenges.

Master Mingtong will work intensively with Sound Healing, the 3-A’s practice, as well as intermediate-level practices that expand the spiritual dimension of life. You will learn and experience Pure Consciousness practices that open your heart and soul to the inner truth within.

You will experience the movements, sounds, meditations, and visualizations of Wisdom Healing Qigong while engaging in intensive practice that opens your energy flow to deeper levels of physical, emotional, and spiritual energetic healing. Receive direct energetic transmissions that help you absorb and assimilate the powerful teachings into embodied wisdom, that informs and transforms you on a cellular level.

This Retreat is suitable for all levels — beginning to advanced — and is ideal for Wisdom Healing Qigong Coaches and Facilitators.  If your primary challenges are healing your physical challenges, it it highly recommended that you attend both Fall 2024 Retreats for the best results.

We begin the program at 5:40pm US Mountain Time on Tuesday, and will wrap up at 3:00pm on Sunday. 

October 1 - 6, 2024

Heaven On Earth

Healing Intensive Retreat For Physical & Emotional Healing - Part 1

Healing and Awakening Retreats with Master Mingtong Gu are the most focused and in-depth Qigong healing Retreats offered to people facing health and wellbeing challenges of all kinds: physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

This retreat will focus on releasing physical and emotional blockages throughout our cellular memory that are the source of dis-ease, discomfort, pain, and emotional challenges.

You will experience the movements, sounds, meditations, and visualizations of Wisdom Healing Qigong while engaging in intensive practice that opens your energy flow to deeper levels of physical, emotional, and spiritual energetic healing. Receive direct energetic transmissions that help you absorb and assimilate the powerful teachings into embodied wisdom, that informs and transforms you on a cellular level.

This Retreat is suitable for all levels — beginning to advancedIf your primary challenges are healing your physical challenges, it it highly recommended that you attend both Part 1 and Part 2 of the Fall 2024 Retreats for the best results. 

We begin the program at 5:40pm US Mountain Time on Tuesday, and will wrap up at 3:00pm on Sunday.  

OCTOBER 8 -13, 2024

The Infinite Flow Of Life

Healing Intensive Retreat For Physical & Emotional Healing - Part 2

This Retreat will focus on Mental, Emotional, and Physical energy flow to release energetic blockages that can become the source of dis-ease, discomfort, pain, and emotional challenges.

Master Mingtong will work intensively with Sound Healing, the 3-A’s practice, as well as intermediate-level practices that expand the spiritual dimension of life. You will learn and experience Pure Consciousness practices that open your heart and soul to the inner truth within.

You will experience the movements, sounds, meditations, and visualizations of Wisdom Healing Qigong while engaging in intensive practice that opens your energy flow to deeper levels of physical, emotional, and spiritual energetic healing. Receive direct energetic transmissions that help you absorb and assimilate the powerful teachings into embodied wisdom, that informs and transforms you on a cellular level.

This Retreat is suitable for all levels — beginning to advanced — and is ideal for Wisdom Healing Qigong Coaches and Facilitators.  If your primary challenges are healing your physical challenges, it it highly recommended that you attend both Part 1 and Part 2 of the Fall 2024 Retreats for the best results.

We begin the program at 5:40pm US Mountain Time on Tuesday, and will wrap up at 3:00pm on Sunday. 

Your Healing Intensive Retreat Experience Will Include...

Gentle & Enlivening Movement & Embodiment Practices

We’ll start each day’s session with a short meditation (called setting the chi field), followed by teacher-led movement practices that relax your mind and body to generate more powerful healing and awakening effects.

Your Retreat days will include teachings, transmissions, sound healing technologies, and gentle movement practices, throughout.

Sound Healing To Open Your Heart & Emotional Energy Flow

You will practice and experience Sound Healing for the 5 organ systems. Sacred healing sounds work to release the stress we all feel — which is often primarily emotional stress locked in the cellular memory of our organs. By healing these emotional contractions of energy, you empower yourself to heal and awaken on every level of your life.

Sound Healing is a deeply empowering practice. Anybody can do it.

You don’t need to know how to play musical instrument, you don’t need a strong voice, and you don’t need any special healing skills. You simply join in making the healing sounds and experience the sounds and energy around you.

You will practice and experience Sound Healing for the 5 organ systems. Sacred healing sounds work to release the stress we all feel — which is often primarily emotional stress locked in the cellular memory of our organs. By healing these emotional contractions of energy, you empower yourself to heal and awaken on every level of your life.

Sound Healing is a deeply empowering practice. Anybody can do it.

Meditation & Visualization Practices To Connect To Essence

Continuing the progress you’ve made in Sound Healing and Movement practices, Master Mingtong will introduce you to the beautiful experience of the practice of Lift Chi Up & Pour Chi Down, plus beginning Pure Consciousness practices.

This will be one of the special times both these practice forms are shared with the general public — the teachings were previously only available within the Zhineng Qigong Master training program in China.

Reflection & Integration Activities

We have a new schedule and flow filled with lots of our best activities!

Each day there will be a segment for integration time. This may include small group discussions, guided Healing Sessions, and/or specific journaling assignments.

End-Of-The-Day Group Healing Sessions

One of the most popular features during our Healing Intensive Retreats are the Healing Sessions, led by Master Mingtong Gu, just before bedtime. Retreat attendees are invited to get comfortable, lying down with mats, pillows, and blankets in a dimly lit room. They are invited into a state of deep relaxed awareness in order to move energy in the room (and beyond!) through a collaborative process within the local and non-local chi field.

During the healing session, Master Mingtong activates the Wisdom Healing Qigong energetic flow through a combination of English, Chinese, Tibetan, and Sanskrit. The participants also engage in their own process of mindful intention — to help absorb, assimilate, and activate healing and transformation on a cellular level.

The healing energy transmission that flows through Master Mingtong and the chi field is connected to the energy that makes up your intention. That connection activates deep openings of energetic blockages and stimulates the awakening of aliveness in the body. This is the essence of inner medicine and the Healing Session.

Experience All 4 Foundational Wisdom Healing Qigong Practice Methods

Experience on a physical level gentle movements which can help you develop core strength, muscular and spinal flexibility — improving both posture and endurance.

Discover on an energetic level how the movements enhance energy flow throughout the spine, brain and entire body — awakening vitality, creativity and alertness. You will find, that as you begin your own daily practice, your ability and Chi capacity increase gradually and steadily.

How can the The Awaken Vitality Method revitalize your health? Through these mindful Qigong movements and meditations, you can begin to discover your true potential for vitality no matter your age, life challenges or health condition. The Awaken Vitality practices are easy to learn, a joy to practice, and once learned, available for a lifetime. On a physical level, these gentle movements develop core strength, muscular and spinal flexibility, improving both posture and endurance. On an energetic level, they enhance energy flow throughout the spine, brain and entire body, awakening vitality, creativity and alertness. Master Gu guides you through each movement, visualization, sound and meditation; as you begin your own daily practice, your ability and chi capacity increase gradually and steadily.

Invigorate Your Energetic Wholeness

Discover the Awaken Vitality Method (formerly known as Preliminary Practices) and cultivate a personal Qigong practice to increase vitality, reduce stress, heal disease and optimize your overall physical, mental and emotional well being. You will learn six Qigong forms plus the healing practice of Lachi and be able to put them all together for a 30-minute practice sequence. This course provides the essentials for opening the physical body, which is foundational for all Wisdom Healing (Zhineng) Qigong practices.

Experience a deep connection with life, inside and around you. Learn to connect with the abundant energy flow of the universe and deeply absorb that energy and wisdom. Through intentional and meditative energy movements, you’ll activate inner and outer energy flow, and experience this powerful healing technology for your awakening and healing.

Cultivate More Energy For Your Life

Embrace one of Wisdom Healing Qigong’s foundational practices, The Lift Chi Up, Pour Chi Down Method, and discover for yourself its powerful healing technology. Learn to connect with the abundant energy flow of the universe and absorb that energy deep within you. Cultivate your awareness as you activate this vital energetic exchange. Create internal and external harmony, balance and renewal.

Integrate with the Living Universe

Flow with energy! Focus on the energetic flow both within the body and between your internal and external universes. Learn to use your mind to connect with energy and expand your visualizations. By incorporating Qigong teachings (like the Three A’s on Acceptance, Activation and Appreciation) with LCUPCD practice, we augment our understanding of both.

Develop Your Infinite Potential

Develop the initiative power of your mind! Learn to use your mind to direct energy within the Lift Chi Up, Pour Chi Down (LCUPCD) practice, opening to the infinite potential available in every cell and every movement. Explore advanced topics such as Integrative Oneness Theory, internal and external integration, accessing Hun Yuan Chi through LCUPCD, cultivation of Healing Mind, and advanced Shenji opening practices.

You will learn to:

  • Enter the state of G.R.A.C.E. Grounded, Relaxed, Aware, Centered, and Energized
  • Open your perception beyond the bodily mechanics and receive a fresh flow of chi within your mind, emotions, and spiritual awareness
  • Connect with a wider spectrum of internal and external energies including physical energy, subtle energy, and the “Qigong secret” of accessing our primordial connection to unconditional Source energy
  • Become one with Universal Consciousness by awakening your energy body for spiritual realization, paranormal ability development, and expanded awareness
  • Connect with the energy of your heart center and surround yourself in a pyramid of golden light or chi
  • Nourish your entire body by gathering chi from the horizon of infinite energy and directing it throughout your energy body
  • Gather the heavenly energy into your energetic brain, making it available to you for your personal transformation and healing.

Through Sound Healing Technologies you’ll experience the profound power of vibrational sounds using your own voice to transform and heal. You’ll activate the energetic power within your 5 organ systems and shift challenging emotions into positive states of being.

You will learn to..

  • release grief, heart-ache, emotional distress, or trauma that can be the source of disease, depression, and pain. Emotions are stored — and often locked in the organs. By unblocking the organ’s energy, through specific sound and vibrations, challenging emotions can shift into positive states of harmony and oneness – joy and love.
  • practice Five Organ Integrative Sound Healing — with three sounds for each system addressing the cellular dimensions, the emotional energies, and the mental/spiritual aspects within each organ system.
  • open the contraction pattern of the heart to discover greater happiness, joy, love, connection, and peace
  • embrace emotions as powerful energy and transform from fear to empowerment, worry to confidence, anger to courage and sadness to compassion.

Pure Consciousness is the name we give to deep states of consciousness that are beyond definition, beyond conceptualization, beyond thought. It is not possible to fully understand or to accurately describe it using only words, because Pure Consciousness is the direct experience of the essence of who you are.

In a state of Pure Consciousness, we become self-aware… yet at the same time, we venture beyond our own awareness to see things as they truly are, without placing any concept or judgement between ourselves and the essence of existence.

“We cultivate our own life energy through accessing nature’s great store of life energy [called qi or chi]. This approach produces quick results. But cultivating one’s qi/chi is not the most fundamental; cultivating one’s spirit is.

Mastery of qi/chi is really achieved through mastery of consciousness. We use consciousness in a careful, craftsman-like way, to shape our life, to attain our goals…

In modern terms, Qigong is just the refinement of consciousness to enhance the state of energy in the body. This leads to vibrant health, a harmonious body and mind, and awakened spiritual life.” — Dr. Ming Pang, creator of Zhineng (Wisdom Healing) Qigong

At The Chi Center, we teach Pure Consciousness as part of the integrative mind-body practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong, which is a complete system for awakening and cultivating the chi and the consciousness to transform, perfect and improve your holistic potential. Through Wisdom Healing Qigong, you’re empowered to look within yourself and to listen within yourself, uplifting your consciousness from a condition of automatic reaction to one of autonomous wisdom.

We use the term “Pure Consciousness” for easy understanding in Western culture. But Pure Consciousness is known by a multitude of different names:

  • Essence in several lineages of traditional wisdom
  • Transcendence in many meditation systems
  • Rigpa in Tibetan Buddhism
  • Yi Yuan Ti by Dr. Pang, founder of Zhineng (Wisdom Healing) Qigong
  • Mingjue by some Chinese Wisdom Healing Qigong teachers

You may wonder why “mindfulness” is not included on the list above. Mindfulness is similar to Pure Consciousness in many ways, but they are not quite the same thing.

Mindfulness focuses on conscious awareness of self and surroundings, and this is a prerequisite step towards Pure Consciousness. But Pure Consciousness goes deeper, because it is a state in which the mind itself becomes self-aware.

Pure Consciousness is also not only a mental meditation system. There are many forms of meditation. Pure Consciousness practices incorporate visualizations, vibrations, sounds, and movements, all of which are meditative. Many of these practices are done while sitting comfortably in a chair; some are performed continuously throughout all other activities in your day.

And, raising your state of consciousness is only one half of the process. Integrating Pure Consciousness into your body and your everyday life is the other half, without which the process would be incomplete.

Our entire focus is on supporting your healing and awakening, at every level of your being.

Our founder, Master Mingtong Gu, started out with asthma, scoliosis, as well as deep emotional pain from an unhappy and unstable childhood while growing up in China.

He found very little relief from standard treatments, and was resigned to a life centered on trying to manage his symptoms and pain.

In 1993 during his search for relief and healing, a friend of his from Ohio invited him to a Qigong class she was teaching.

When he spoke about his first experience, he said, “I was fascinated but had no idea how this could improve my health. But then… I felt a sense of lightness, flexibility, and inner being-ness that I had never experienced before. I asked my friend if she had any books about the practice and she gave me a book written in Chinese about the Medicineless Qigong Hospital in China. This planted the seed that led to my return to China and studying with Dr. Grandmaster Pang Ming.”

Inspired By The Chinese Hospital With No Medicine

Master Mingtong’s journey to wellness led him to China, to Dr. Grandmaster Pang Ming’s Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic, Training, and Recovery Center — also known as the Medicine-less Qigong Hospital, where he experienced profound healing through the ancient healing modality Zhineng Qigong, which translates to “Wisdom Healing Qigong”.

This Center was unlike typical hospitals you might think of; it used Qigong as the only form of treatment.

Over 23 years, The Center in China served 200,000 people with chronic, incurable, and “terminal” illnesses with excellent results.

Master Mingtong learned that Zhineng Qigong wasn’t just about movements. The healing went far deeper than the physical…

“We cultivate our own life energy through accessing nature’s great store of life energy [called qi or chi]. This approach produces quick results. But cultivating one’s qi/chi is not the most fundamental; cultivating one’s spirit is.

“We cultivate our own life energy through accessing nature’s great store of life energy [called qi or chi]. This approach produces quick results. But cultivating one’s qi/chi is not the most fundamental; cultivating one’s spirit is. “Mastery of qi/chi is really achieved through mastery of consciousness. We use consciousness in a careful, craftsman-like way, to shape our life, to attain our goals… “In modern terms, Qigong is just the refinement of consciousness to enhance the state of energy in the body. This leads to vibrant health, a harmonious body and mind, and awakened spiritual life.”

People might have come in for help with a chronic illness, but they left with a depth and renewed awakening of their spirit that changed their lives in profound ways.

At first, Mingtong went to Grandmaster Pang’s Medicine-less Qigong Hospital simply with the intention of finding more inner peace and emotional balance.

Yet, what he got was so much more.

“The main changes I noticed, in the beginning, were emotional. I started to feel more open and more secure — an overall sense of centeredness at first, then a deeper sense of happiness, and eventually, an overall increase in my awareness and emotional capacity. I could feel my emotions return to inner centeredness and inner peace effectively when strong emotions arose — without being suppressed.”

And, it didn’t stop there.

“I started to notice a new sense of well-being after I decided to make this practice a regular routine. My spine started to open, my breathing became deeper, and my mind started to settle with an inner sense of exploration.”

In time, with consistent practice, Master Mingtong healed his asthma and scoliosis completely.

It was incredible.

As he healed at The Medicine-less Qigong Hospital, Master Mingtong watched other people come with every sort of illness and emotional struggle you could imagine, and was fascinated to watch as residents got healthier and more joyful throughout their stay.

As miraculous as this sounds, there’s a lot of scientific validation to it as well!

Fast-Forward To Today

Master Mingtong Gu has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world, using the Wisdom Healing Qigong methods that he learned from Dr. Grandmaster Pang Ming.

His dedication has been recognized by being named the Qigong Master of the Year by the World Congress for Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

For more than 30 years, he has continued to follow his calling to cultivate his practice and do everything possible to share the amazing gift of Qigong he received, mastered, and continues to deepen.

Mind-Body-Heart-Spirit Connection
Gentle Movements to Open Flow
Visualization & Meditation
Vocalizing Sound Healing
Connecting Heaven & Earth
Seated, Standing, or Lying Down
Working with Subtle Energy
Haola! All is well and getting better

Through his commitment and vision, Master Mingtong Gu and his global organization have helped hundreds of thousands of people uncover their own joy and healing too, by developing in-depth online and on-campus healing programs using Wisdom Healing Qigong.

Frequently Asked Questions

First Day
2:30pm – 5:30pm
Room Check In (For on-campus guests)
5.45pm – 6.15pm
Welcome and orientation for our on-campus guests and online participants
6.15pm – 8.30pm
Dinner will be held in the dining hall and then transition to the Kiva (will be streamed for the online participants)
Retreat In-session
7:45am – 8:45am
Early Morning: Sacred Time and breakfast – this is primarily your free time to take a walk and greet the day, which may include a facilitated short activity led by a teacher – to be announced each day (will not be streamed online)
9:00am -12:30pm
On-Campus Teachings & Practice from the Kiva — livestreamed (break times will vary)
12:30pm – 1:50pm
Lunch break and chi nap (no livestream)
2:00pm – 6:00pm
On-Campus Teachings & Practice from the Kiva — livestreamed (break times will vary)
6:15pm – 7:15pm
Dinner break (no livestream)
7:30pm – 8:20pm
Evening Activities: Healing Sessions, Small Groups, and Closing Ceremonies on — These activities will be livestreamed online as feasible
Last Day
Magical Sunday: The Chi Center is open to the Public
Early Morning
Sacred Time for reflection
8:15am – 9:00am
Practice in the Kiva
9:00am – 10:45am
Breakfast buffet and Free Time to enjoy Magical Sunday
11am – 12:30pm
Closing of the Retreat – Practice, Teaching, and Testimonials (On-Campus and Online Retreats and Magical Sunday together)
12:40pm – 3:30pm
Photos, good-byes, simple lunch (for Retreat guests only), and check out

If you must cancel, please understand that we do not grant refunds for any reason. However, you may apply the funds you paid toward attendance of a future Chi Center Retreat or Program of your choice, within 12 months from your date of cancellation. If The Chi Center cancels this program, you will receive 2 weeks’ notice when possible, and a full refund. We are not responsible for the cost of any other cancellation expenses you may incur, such as non-refundable travel fees, etc.

Students learn and practice one of the most effective energy healing practices and systems of human science – Wisdom Healing (Zhineng) Qigong. Master Mingtong may lead any of the basic to the advanced practice including Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down Method (LCUPCD), Standing Meditation, Spinal Bone Marrow Method, Body Mind Method, Wall Squats, Inner Alchemy of Emotional Transformation, Transforming Jing Method, Nine Palaces Method, and other advanced methods. The practice will be a sustainable practice of healing as well as a life transformation. Wisdom Healing Qigong practices represent a radically different technology offered to awaken, transform, and integrate your entire chi body — from the cellular to the spiritual — returning us to our natural, healthy, balanced state of being. This technology re-patterns the physical, emotional and mental/spiritual energy that is not flowing freely, that is experienced as pain and suffering, into energy that is flowing freely, bringing forth natural states of happiness, compassion, openness, and wholeness.

During certain segments of the day students may practice with qualified teachers, the most applicable methods according to your personal needs and recommended by Master Mingtong.

Students drink in the potent chi “medicine” day and night, just as the people at the medicine-less Qigong Hospital in China, through movement, meditation, sound, visualization and REST. Master Mingtong will personally lead you to cultivate the Six Golden Keys of chi “medicine” as the most effective “ingredients” prescribed by the Qigong Hospital.

Participants cultivate and embody the chi medicine––which is the life force within–– residing in this powerful chi field led by Master Mingtong as transmitted by Grandmaster Pang Ming through the ancient Wisdom tradition of Qigong. There are additional qualified teachers and experienced leaders to guide the practice and support your process. The chi community, bonded by the healing chi field, is one of the most precious jewels that will continue to connect to your heart and practice.

Attendees “digest” chi medicine with a “chi nap” every day and “sleep Qigong” overnight. Master Mingtong will lead group-healing sessions every day, including healing transmissions, healing circles or spirals, and small group healing sessions. Master Mingtong or and his gifted wife, Linling may offer individual healing session appointments to retreat participants.

Students purify chi by moving through challenges and releasing the mental and emotional resistance to change using this profound practice of energy transformation, including Inner Alchemy of Emotional Transformation Method.

Participants learn and practice to receive chi mentally by receiving teachings and changing mental patterns to align with their conscious choice of healing and fulfillment in life. Students bring the infinite heavenly blessings into their food, conventional medicine, and earthly life through visualization. They realize the significance of earthly life as the expression of the heavenly consciousness.

Attendees activate and celebrate awakening through music, song, dance and lots of hugs and laughter. There will be silence during half of the retreat to allow for integration and your personal journey deeply inward. The Chi Team leaders will support you in loving, intimate, and healing sub-groups.

Students embody heavenly chi medicine through inner wisdom and consciousness, awakening to their individual deep nature and purpose. They learn the advanced skills to “transmit” chi into the body and living organisms through your consciousness.

During the Retreat, participants receive and cultivate the most precious gift — their awakening consciousness — and will be able to actualize it within their body, heart, and mind and therefore all of life transforming automated, conditioned patterns to that of autonomous wisdom. Students can cultivate this practice as a roadmap towards complete healing, as well as a path to enlightenment.

There is no requirement for experiencing Qigong. We welcome anyone who sincerely wishes to transform their challenges of life into an opportunity for growth, whether on the physical level, mental level, emotional level, or spiritual level.

And, we’ve prepared a Retreat Foundations Kit that you can begin as soon as you register for your next Retreat. The staff and teachers have loaded this with lots of terminology, tips, and practice ideas you’ll want to know in advance. As Master Mingtong says, “Your Retreat begins the moment you’ve made the decision to sign up!”

Once you begin, participating in the Healing Intensive Retreat does require your full commitment to the healing process.Open your mind and heart to your healing intention and healing chi; “Do your best, allow the mind to rest and let the Universe do the rest!”

Make your Qigong Retreat (self-healing together) your absolute priority for the precious days you are in Master Mingtong’s presence and minimize your daily obligations and other activities.

Make a list of your challenges and resistances (mental, emotional, and physical conditions). Bring your awareness and compassion to these areas of healing. Always inwardly trust your dedication to your healing. Let go of your old stories and the stories of others.

Make a dedication to yourself in this way: “I am ready to heal myself in the chi field, no matter what it takes and how it feels.” — instead of “I will be healed if this happens and that doesn’t happen.”

The Universe responds to our intention unconditionally. Any conditioning of my willingness to heal will compromise the benefit.

Listen to your inner voice of your body and stay in the chi field even when you need to take a break; Allow your mind and heart to offer the best healing medicine to your body.

Honor yourself as well as others, respect everyone’s privacy and offer your blessings to others’ challenges. Don’t share any stories from the Retreat with others.

Conventional medical support will be respected and honored. We each will honor ourselves as a sovereign self-healer, and not as a patient. You may want to include your medication and dietary supplements in your intention for healing — acknowledging that everything is energy/chi and then extend the blessing of “all is well and getting better” (Haola) to the conventional medicine. You can embrace the wisdom of your body to use what is in service and supportive within the medication, while allowing anything that is not serving your health and wellness to pass through you without harm. If you anticipate any special needs during the retreat, please make advance arrangements. You may bring flowers, healing objects to the space to make your heart offering. Your healing has been accelerating already since you made a dedication to this Retreat. With the blessings of all teachers, Master Mingtong Gu has organized this healing chi field for all of us. He advises that all obstacles you may experience, before and during the retreat, will be a deep purification of mind, emotion, and your body.Stay in a “Haola” mindset — “All is well and getting better. So be it!”

The goal of a Chi Center Retreat or Healing Intensive is transformation. Truly a life-changing experience, the Wisdom Healing Retreats are opportunities to work on your body, heart, mind, and energy — to realize your deepest intention of radiant health, true happiness, joy, and profound peace — and to embody the awakening consciousness.

Expect the unexpected. Make the impossible possible. This is the science and technology of making miracles. We, together, are the scientists, healers, and explorers of the creative inner and outer life force.

Your mind, heart and cells are truly fed by life energy on all levels. Your capacity, as a human being encoded with good will, intelligence and love, will fully awaken to its true potential as self-healer and healer of others. You will not only bring home your renewed body and spirit but also effective tools and practices that will sustain your healthy body and support your conscious living. The healing community is growing so strong and you are connected with this big “chi family” through continuous reunion and support, even at a long distance.

Healing Intensive Retreats have been designed to actualize an experience of intensive chi healing. A first-of–its-kind in North America, the Healing Intensive Retreat offers the same successful healing program that was established for people experiencing major health challenges at the world’s largest Qigong hospital in China. Over 200,000 people with all types of illnesses were treated there. The Qigong hospital reported a 95% effective improvement.

You will receive great benefit if you are:

  • Stressed or depleted
  • Working with any dimension of physical, mental, or emotional dis-ease or trauma
  • Committed to making sustainable, positive changes in life — for yourself and with others
  • Ready to expand and refresh your healing ability as a professional or a caregiver
  • Inspired to work for the awakening of human potential

Participating in Chi Center Retreats will enable you to:

  • Learn to clear and balance emotions so that a deeper healing can occur.
  • Develop a quiet and creative mind to realize healing most effectively.
  • Discover how to enter pure and expanded consciousness.
  • Organize a chi field of healing with a collective power to accelerate your healing.
  • Learn profound theories and practices for energy healing to better understand and realize your healing capacity.
  • Learn the ultimate methods to transmit chi for the healing of self and others, called Fachi and Lachi
  • Cultivate inner and outer support systems, including individual practice and community connections for sustainable healing.

Whether you attend online or on-campus, video replays of your program will be available for 30 days after the workshop ends. (Note: QFLM members retain replay access as long as they are the Qigong for Life Master member!)

If you still have questions about the Retreat, or Wisdom Healing Qigong in general please write to us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible, so you can make the best plans and decisions for yourself. Email Support@ChiCenter.com

Yes — in fact, we encourage it! If you have others living in your household they can share the online livestream with you at no additional charge.

Recordings of each session are uploaded into your Chi Center online library as soon as feasible after the videos can be processed — usually within 24 hours of the original programming. That means you can always watch any session you miss the next day, as soon as your schedule allows. And, if you want to catch up or watch any segment again, the replays remain in your library as described above.

If you haven’t tried Wisdom Healing Qigong before, you may be wondering if it can really make a difference. We get it. We are very confident in the high quality of our events and want to make sure that we earn your trust, so we offer a liberal cancellation policy so you can attend for 1 day with confidence: If within the first 24 hours of your chosen livestream event, you decide the program is not right for you, please write to our Support & Service Team letting us know you would like to cancel and receive a full refund. After that time, there is no refund available.

Email: Support@ChiCenter.com

Click here to learn more about research data, facts, & information to understand Zhineng Wisdom Healing Qigong. – https://chicenter.com/research 

Yes, we do!

The intention of The Chi Center’s Partial Scholarship Program is to support dedicated individuals with financial challenges, who want to participate in our global mission of cultivating wisdom, healing, awakening, and transformation by developing a sustainable Qigong practice.

Our Partial Scholarship Program is designed to lend a helping hand to those facing financial challenges, and who are just as passionate about our mission as we are.

We have a limited number of partial scholarships, so please apply early. There is no credit check, just a one-page online form to complete.

We recommend that applicants apply for a scholarship if they are able to pay for at least 85% of the regular Retreat fee (Based upon funds available your scholarship award may reduce this amount).

On-Campus and Online Scholarships generally cover between 14% to 28% of Retreat fees.

While scholarships are non-refundable, we’re flexible – they can be transferred to another course or program if needed. Our scholarship team will make decisions based on available funds and enrollments, and will always notify you within 1 week of your application.

Got questions? Our super-friendly support team is here for you at support@chicenter.com. Click on the button found under the Retreat packages to apply for a scholarship.

If you have more questions about this event or Wisdom Healing Qigong in general, please write to us at Support@ChiCenter.com

(Please note, our global community lives and practices in every time zone around the world, thus our small company cannot feasibly staff phone lines to serve everyone. Please email as indicated above and your inquiry will be promptly routed to the person on our team who can best help. A Support Team Member will get back to you within 48 hours.)

If you have specific questions about which Retreat or Membership would be right for you, can you schedule a time to talk with a Retreat Expert at ChiCenter.com/Conversation

Commitment to Your Self is Powerful! Many people discover they feel a surge of energy just by registering and making a powerful new pledge to themselves to take part in a Retreat. Our team will be available to support you all along the way. Feel free to reach out to us via email at any time with questions by writing to Support@ChiCenter.com.

Your Intentions and Your Results. In the Wisdom Healing Qigong tradition, we will help you connect with and emphasize your deepest intention. What is your true, pure intention for joining this program? Your answer, your truth carries a certain energetic signature. It is the intention beyond what you do that determines the results of your actions. Before beginning this, or any wellness program, please consult your healthcare professional. Wisdom Healing Qigong is not intended to diagnose, cure, or be a substitute for professional medical advice.

What is Wisdom Healing Qigong

Qi (pronounced chee) means “energy or vital lifeforce”. Gong refers to “deepening or cultivation”. Wisdom Healing Qigong is a whole system of practice to upgrade your mental, physical, spiritual & emotional wellbeing using connection to and cultivation of universal energy.


QIGONG is a practice, a technology, and an art that applies ancient wisdom, modern science, and the mind’s creative power to transform our lives from dis-ease to health and well-being.

It’s a direct and powerful technology to tap into the infinite source of energy — the same energy in the Milky Way — and use this infinite source to transform our physical and psychological conditions for a better, more balanced life.

HEALING is the application and benefit of awakening consciousness and wisdom when we work with energy as the foundational substance of the creative living universe within and around us.

True healing addresses the deepest causes of disease and life’s problems beyond simply fixing the symptoms. It requires practice to become aware of and change the limited patterns of mind, body, and heart and to then address those energetic conditions. The result is improvement of health and wellbeing, including the transformation of chronic illness for both the long and short term. Healing also seeks – quite naturally – the deep transformation of the whole person, by realizing the whole unified harmony of the individual within and in relationship to the multi-dimensional unity of all life.

WISDOM is the understanding that arises from an awakening of our perception and consciousness of life. Ultimate wisdom is the ability to know and embody the creative source of the living universe, moment-to-moment. It is our conscious capacity to fully participate in the continuous dance of evolving creation.

WISDOM HEALING QIGONG is a Western expression of the most validated effective form of Qigong, cultivated and refined by Master Mingtong Gu. Its foundations stem from the practice of Zhineng Qigong, founded by Master Mingtong’s revered and beloved teacher in China, Dr. Grandmaster Pang Ming.

Qigong is the cosmology (theory) and technology (art) for consciousness to work with creative energy (chi). It is a creative union of consciousness and energy, which awakens the joy-full wisdom capacity of mind, heart, and body.

Quick Registration Links

Enjoy a magical sunday celebration with brunch, music, community and qigong — included in every retreat

“Qigong is a practice, a technology, and an art that applies ancient wisdom, modern science, and the mind’s creative power to transform our lives from dis-ease to health and well-being. As we heal and awaken together we can shape and evolve the consciousness of humanity."

Master Mingtong Gu

Qigong Master & Founder of The Chi Center

Register Here

October 1 - 6, 2024

Heaven On Earth

Healing Retreat Intensive

Register Here

OCTOBER 8 -13, 2024

The Infinite Flow Of Life

Healing Retreat Intensive

Logo of The Chi Center featuring Master Mingtong Gu's Wisdom Healing Qigong symbol, a lotus design with circular blue accents and text emphasizing healing and mindfulness practices.

Qigong movements are adaptable for accessibility, gentle, and free flowing. Accompanying visualization and meditation can be done in any comfortable position —sitting, standing, or lying down. FTC DISCLOSURE: Wisdom Healing Qigong is not intended to diagnose, cure, or be a substitute for professional medical advice. Before beginning this, or any wellness program, please consult your trusted healthcare professional. Any instructions given or suggestions made during the course of Master Mingtong Gu’s Chi Center programs are not intended as a substitute for medical counseling or treatment. Please consult with your primary care physician before beginning this energy practice. Any health claims shared by viewers, students, friends, subscribers, or clients are understood to be true and accurate, representing their subjective experience, but are not verified. Results will vary from person to person. Always do your own due diligence and use your best judgment when making any health-related decisions and purchases.

By providing your US or Canadian mobile number you are giving permission for The Chi Center to send occasional SMS text messaging regarding essential announcements and reminders. Message frequency will vary. We do not share your info with other organizations, and your mobile number is not required for participation and/or purchases. By providing your phone number you also agree to our Privacy Policy. You can opt out of text messages at any time by texting STOP or by contacting us at support@chicenter.com. Message and data rates may apply. (Sorry, SMS reminders are only available to US/Canada phones).

Copyright ChiCenter.com   –   The Chi Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong campus is located at 40 Camino Vista Clara, Lamy/Galisteo, New Mexico 87540