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Add the Lachi Energy Healing On-demand Workshop to your order for 67% off (was $397, now just $129!)

Learn and experience the practice of Lachi that was proven to be the most effective healing method in the medicine-less Qigong hospital in China.

People gained incredible results such as miracle healings from practicing Lachi for an extensive period of time. Tumors disappeared, mental health improved, and diabetes and other chronic diseases were transformed.

With this on-demand, pre-recorded weekend workshop you can start watching right away and follow along to learn Lachi Energy Healing at your own pace.

Today just $129 $297 with your order!

By clicking the above button you are authorizing $129 to be charged to your card today for the Lachi On-demand Workshop. To prevent additional charges, please do not click this button more than once.

We all hold a Divine Blueprint deep within our cellular structure. The intelligent design of each one holds the remembrance of our purest essence.

As unique as a fingerprint, a divine blueprint contains the potentials for the best and highest life of which each individual is capable … including perfect health, abundance, relationships, and creative self-expression.

This essence or blueprint is stored in the bio-magnetic field and activated (or inhibited) by our intentions, emotions, and life experiences.

The potent and simple Qigong practice of Lachi opens us to the infinite resources of creation and gathers the power of transformation into the essence of our being.

The Chinese word Lachi means pulling/expanding and gathering chi. This simple and effective process can be done for healing of yourself, and even directed towards the healing of others!

Using both hands you imagine you are holding a ball of light between them. As we expand and contract the energy ball between our hands during the practice, we are also opening our whole energy body.

The simple movement of Lachi, opening and closing the hands, combined with the visualization of gathering and condensing energy works with the rhythmic principle of all life.

The Universe itself is alive in the same rhythm; that of expansion and contraction, opening and closing, as if produced by “cosmic chi bellows”.

The breath, our heart, a flower, and our body each move and renew in perfect synchronicity with this rhythm. The rhythm resembles and inspires our union with the universe, both at the energetic and conscious level.

We connect with the chi field around us and around and throughout the earth by feeling the chi field between our hands as we continue the Lachi practice. Each cycle of open and close will move the entire chi field in the rhythm of expansion and contraction.

As we progress, we begin to feel the flow of energy and the integration between the infinite source energy and every aspect our being, and will start developing sensations of energy (chi).

Then… when combined with the chant Kai Hui (pronounced ky-hooh) or Haola we feel the vibrations of the sounds enhancing the energy even more!

Your divine blueprint – your original state – can be activated and enabled throughout all your cells to merge with your entire field … as you connect with the flow of pure natural energies of universal flow.

Lachi practice can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter age or mobility — and can be done sitting, standing, or laying down. And… an upcoming brand new Workshop, led by Master Mingtong will teach you more and give you time to experience the depths of this practice!

It’s all happening online December 16 & 17, 2023…. and you’re just in time to get in on all the goodness and wisdom…


Learn How Qigong has Transformed the Lives of Others

"I live in a city without very much access to Qigong classes much less a Master. It is amazing really that I can participate in classes and watch crystal clear demonstrations, several times if I need to. I can listen to teachings from a Master as often as I would like. Taking this course is like having my own treasure chest to dip into and what I find is gold, silver and jewels of the lotus. I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to participate live through Zoom as well as to study at my own pace. This is a great program and I would recommend it for everyone. The practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong brings health to the body, mind and the soul."

"I am here and there. This is more than wonderful. thank you for making this possible. I am very alive and appreciating every second. Qigong has opened my world to an always optimistic existence. if my body and mind get cranky I do Qigong. It’s automatic. I kick the ass I didn’t see until i learned the practice. My thought is that I can never know enough about it. Every next breathe and thought of mine is one I did not know before. I feel the aliveness and the VERY LOUD YES!"

"I knew when I went through a 4-day webinar with Master Mingtong Gu that this is the program for me. I have not been disappointed. My whole life and being has changed. All my friends and family have noticed a dramatic change in my outlook and demeanor. Best of all I have a much stronger and loving relationship with my husband."

"I continue to be delighted and amazed by the all synchronous and profound messages and teachings I have received with each of the Wisdom Healing QiGong Courses and Healing Retreats I have participated in and completed over the last several years. I am truly grateful for depth and multi-dimensional healing and awakening I have experienced in my whole being through my own dedicated practices and the support of Wisdom Healing Qigong, Master Mingtong Gu, the Chi Field and Community, and all The Chi Center teachers, coaches, and technical/administrative staff. HAOLA!"

Frequently Asked Questions

Qigong is a practice that involves physical movements, controlled breathing, and focused intention. It is often used for health, healing, and relaxation.

Some potential benefits of practicing Qigong include improved flexibility and balance, increased strength and endurance, improved circulation, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved overall health and well-being.

Qigong is accessible to all. Everyone can benefit.

In Wisdom Healing Qigong, the focus remains on wholeness and integration. Instead of “treating” specific symptoms or conditions, we focus on wholeness, visualizing complete well being physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – and allowing the chi to move where it is most needed rather than trying to direct it in a specific pathway. That is why we generally do the same practices for every condition – because we’re focused on wholeness, rather than on conditions.

Logo of The Chi Center featuring Master Mingtong Gu's Wisdom Healing Qigong symbol, a lotus design with circular blue accents and text emphasizing healing and mindfulness practices.

Qigong movements are adaptable for accessibility, gentle, and free flowing. Accompanying visualization and meditation can be done in any comfortable position —sitting, standing, or lying down. FTC DISCLOSURE: Wisdom Healing Qigong is not intended to diagnose, cure, or be a substitute for professional medical advice. Before beginning this, or any wellness program, please consult your trusted healthcare professional. Any instructions given or suggestions made during the course of Master Mingtong Gu’s Chi Center programs are not intended as a substitute for medical counseling or treatment. Please consult with your primary care physician before beginning this energy practice. Any health claims shared by viewers, students, friends, subscribers, or clients are understood to be true and accurate, representing their subjective experience, but are not verified. Results will vary from person to person. Always do your own due diligence and use your best judgment when making any health-related decisions and purchases.

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