Empower Your Immune System with Master Mingtong Gu
Discover proven methods to optimize your immune response, reduce stress, and tap into your body’s natural healing power.
Working Through Challenge Together
Since the pandemic, the world has learned to better communicate online. This shift has a surprising benefit — learning to connect with each other in a new and powerfully energetic way. We can share fresh insights and teachings regarding the immune system, and how to work with the unique challenges of our time.
Even though many of us have adapted to the shock and shift in our life since Co-vid, there is a deeper stress that still exists beneath the new routines.
With the uncertainty we are experiencing, we may tend to internalize this contraction to deal with later.
Wisdom Healing Qigong provides you the tools to stay connected to your body and work with the traumatic circumstances whirling around us rather than leaving ourselves to be traumatized.
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Healing in the Face of Fear, Isolation, and Stress...
While we are all making renewed efforts to live healthy lifestyles and comply with the global effort to protect life and reduce the spread of the virus to the best of our capacity, stress is still a major factor we face affecting our health.
90% of disease including the depleting and weakening of the immune system is directly related to stress.
Qigong visualization, sound and movement practices are powerful tools to help us work with stress and minimize its negative effects on our health and well-being. Connecting to our bodies, the energy of the earth, the community, and the source energy of the universe, we restore healthy flow of life energy and awaken our body's capacity to flow through the challenges of life. Empowered by this capacity, challenges become opportunities for profound growth and transformation.
We are cultivating the shift:
From being externally lost, distracted, and busy -- to more attention inwardly: your heart, spiritual dimension, and energy dimension.
From being externally controlled -- to self-care, self-love, and self-responsibility
From stress and fear -- to deeper empowerment, healing, and transformation
From victim to co-creator
From simply holding the vision -- to embodiment - embodiment of the essence of love
Wisdom Healing Qigong guides us on the path of purification, transformation, awakening and embodiment. Returning to the essence of life is the process of both healing and awakening.
We are in this together and the Chi Center is more committed to this process of global healing and awakening now more than in any other time - this is an extraordinary time.
We thank you for your commitment to your own healing and awakening and your contribution to the Chi Field.
The Relationship Between Your Emotions and a Healthy Immune System
What do trauma, allergies, and chronic illness all have in common? — emotional experiences that leave imprints and memories stored in the body. And these emotional patterns continuously effect the physical energy of the body.
Through the function of our autonomic system, our emotions are a catalyst that profoundly influence the chemistry of our biological system. Here we find the link between our life experiences and our unique chemical/biological manifestation of those experiences in our body.
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Energy Flow is the Key to Resiliency and Thriving
All life is based on energy and when the energy is not functioning well, nothing else can fix the problems.
Nothing can “fix” your stress level except yourself. You have little control of other people’s behavior and external circumstances, but what you can control and transform is your internal energy pattern.
Stress and energy contraction are the same thing. When you practice Qigong you will notice your body is carrying so much stress from the past – from the genetic programming, and that your body is feeling so much fear – from evolution of human history and all the past energetic imprints and conditioning.
Throughout the evolution of humanity, everything has been based on fight or flight --from our medical system to our own state of responding and reacting.
The current circumstances: political, medical, and social, have activated this pattern of fight or flight in a very deep way. Wisdom Healing Qigong practices help us to shift from contraction to openness, from stagnation to flow, from disconnection to connection.
In the beginning, the gentle, mindful movements help us to open our physical body and release physical tension. Gradually we open the subtle energy body opening to the subtle energy flow and connection with the earth and the universe. Then with Sound Healing we connect with our 5 Organ system and awaken and open the energy, changing the fearful contracted patterns of the past.
Through embracing the fear, we unlock our capacity to love and free ourselves from patterns of fight, flight, and contraction
In this way we are empowered to change this most challenging pattern of fight or flight and discover our deeper wisdom and capacity for love, joy and health.
The Immune System from a Wisdom Healing Qigong Perspective
Stress, in all its forms, affects your energy, your emotional wellbeing, as well as your immune response.
Some people develop autoimmune conditions in which their immune system becomes over-reactive and attacks their body’s own cells. This is the response behind chronic illness such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, or inflammatory bowel disease, for example.
Others may find that stress has a gradually depleting effect on their immune system, causing it to slow down and stop defending their body as effectively from threats to their wellbeing such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, or cancerous cells.
To address the stress issues within the immune system, you have to understand your whole body system as an energy system and address the energetic functions of the system, beyond the conventions of medical science.
In this slide show presentation, Master Mingtong explores the Wisdom Healing Qigong perspective towards the immune system. In this presentation, he uses a combination of both the Eastern and Western medical approaches to give us a deeper understanding of the wholistic approach towards immune system health and wellness from a Wisdom Healing Qigong perspective.
* Also please note that his use of the terms "immune compromised" or "immune deficiency" relates to the wellness of the system and not the medical diagnosis.
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Sound Healing Practices for the Liver and Kidney Systems
Energy is Different in Different Parts of your Body
This is why we see concepts such as meridians, chakras, and energy gates in different traditions, because there is more to it than simply your whole body being made of energy.
Each organ and system has its own energy with its own purpose and function, and we use different techniques to connect with them. That’s how we are able to access the body’s energy system as a whole.
Your immune system is concentrated in your liver, spleen, and gallbladder. Those are the organs with which you fight off viruses, overcome illness, and recycle or remove toxins from the system.
Here’s where it gets really exciting… As well as purifying in the sense of breaking down toxins or viruses, if you become able to perceive what’s happening on a deeper energetic level, you’ll also see that your immune system is cleansing and recycling your energy. It’s an energy purification system that goes far beyond fighting disease.
Your body’s systems must work together as one whole system.
Every organ and system in your body has its own role to play in your health, healing, and wellbeing — serving the greater good of the body as a whole.
So when you improve the function of your immune system, this supports all the other organs and systems for the body’s good. When you activate your energetic body, you activate every system and organ, right down to the smallest cell.
Activating your energy optimizes your immune response along with every other function of your body, raising the baseline on your health as a whole. And your emotions play a big part in this, too.
Sound Healing Practice for the Liver and Kidney Systems
This is the 2nd part of a presentation on the immune system taken from our More Energy series. Following the slide presentation (preceding post), Master Mingtong invites us join in this Sound Healing practice addressing all three energetic levels of the immune system: the physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions.
In this session, Master Mingtong guides us in the practice of the Healing Sounds for the Liver and Kidney system.
While it is true that these are sounds rather than words and we cannot make the sounds correctly by following a phonetic spelling because our letters cannot capture the actual intended sound, still you may find it helpful to use this attempted phonetic spelling as an approximate guide as you listen to and make these sounds:
Liver & Purification system:Gang (gap...ong), Fu (foouu), Zhong (dz hoonngg)
Kidney & Reproductive system:Eh (quickly, sharply), Eu (ee...you, drawn out), Ying (y...ing, blend with Eu.
Immunity-Building Practices: Shaking, Hip Rotations, and Chen Chi
Reduce stress, open energy flow, shift fear, strengthen the immune system and develop internal resilience!
Just before the country locked down due to Co-Vid, Master Mingtong was in California teaching at the Wisdom 2.0 conference. When he returned, he voluntarily quarantined himself in the Kiva. During this time, he developed an upper respiratory infection and instead of withdrawing into protection mode, he went into service and teaching mode
— From his location of quarantine, he demonstrates how to work with and through illness and challenge. Leading from this frontline, he teaches a very special combination of practices. These movements focus on unlocking the energetic contraction in the chest, heart and lungs and activating the Jing energy.
This series of movements are powerful tools for us to work with as we deal with contractions that arise in these challenging times - whether they are physical illness or emotional contractions - or both. By moving the energy, we discover renewed potential to heal on all levels. And through this experience we notice that challenges such as the ones we are facing now, are - in a deeper sense - stimulation of life.
Beneath the surface of what it appears to be— we acknowledge at this deeper level, these challenges are a gift. How we choose to work with this gift, is our internal choice.
In this video, Master Mingtong Gu will guide you to relax, connecting with your body’s systems and especially your immune system, to generate healing peace, vitality, happiness, and oneness.
Simply follow along making your own best effort, working at a level that is comfortably challenging for you. Do your best to relax into the movements - letting go of perfection and simply embracing all the sensations and feelings.
You may repeat this practice as you like anytime throughout the day for a short movement break.
* If you need to practice for a shorter period of time, sit or even lie down during a practice session, listen to your body and modify your practice according to your needs. Continue visualizing yourself doing the full practice even if you are resting. The chi will still be flowing.
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2 Breathing Techniques
Following the Chen Chi, Hip Rotations, and Shaking Movement practices (in the preceding post), Master Mingtong then guided 2 playful breathing techniques to improve your immune & respiratory systems “Fire Element Energy” and “Air Element Energy.”
These breathing exercises activate the fire energy and empower the immune system – to clear, purify, and detoxify whatever is happening in the body.
As he explains in the video, we do not want to do these practices too many times in a day. Be very mindful of your own capacity – you may also reduce the intensity and number as you practice working within your own “comfortably challenging” range.
Qigong movements are adaptable for accessibility, gentle, and free flowing. Accompanying visualization and meditation can be done in any comfortable position —sitting, standing, or lying down. FTC DISCLOSURE: Wisdom Healing Qigong is not intended to diagnose, cure, or be a substitute for professional medical advice. Before beginning this, or any wellness program, please consult your trusted healthcare professional. Any instructions given or suggestions made during the course of Master Mingtong Gu’s Chi Center programs are not intended as a substitute for medical counseling or treatment. Please consult with your primary care physician before beginning this energy practice. Any health claims shared by viewers, students, friends, subscribers, or clients are understood to be true and accurate, representing their subjective experience, but are not verified. Results will vary from person to person. Always do your own due diligence and use your best judgment when making any health-related decisions and purchases.