Zhineng Qigong Culture Day symbol - a circular design with flowing lines, spiral center, representing harmony, energy flow, and Qigong principles.


Qigong Culture Day

Annually On September 26

Please Join Master Mingtong Gu via Livestream – September 26 – 9:00-10:30am MDT – to Celebrate our Global Qigong Community and the Birthdate of our Founders, Grandmaster Pang Ming and Master Mingtong Gu


Celebrating Zhineng Qigong

Every year we celebrate the culture of Zhineng Wisdom Healing Qigong on the 26th of September – in honor of the birthdate of our Founders, Grandmaster Dr. Pang Ming and Master Mingtong Gu.

Among the many styles of Qigong, Zhineng (pronounced Tszu-nen) Qigong was founded by Dr. Pang in the mid-20th Century. Translated literally, Zhineng Qigong means “Cultivating Wisdom Energy Ability.”

Dr. Pang is a Qigong Grandmaster trained in both western allopathic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. He synthesized old and new healing sciences, his extensive medical knowledge, and time-tested ancient Qigong practices. The result is an integrative system of self-healing and cultivation that is suited for the modern pragmatic world – Zhineng (Wisdom Healing) Qigong. And ultimately this form of Qigong was validated and promoted by the Chinese government to be the most effective for healing.  

After years of study in China at the medicine-less Qigong Hospital with Dr. Pang, Master Mingtong Gu brought the practice to the Western world in 2002, interpreting the name into English as Wisdom Healing™ Qigong.

He established a vibrant organization called The Chi Center that continuously touches and transforms hundreds of thousands of English-speaking practitioners around the world.

Zhineng Qigong Culture Day celebrations are offered by many Qigong teachers on this day. We are honored to have you practice and celebrate with us.


Today we gather from far and wide,
To honor a master, with joy and pride!
Master Mingtong, your wisdom flows,
Like the chi in the wind, that everyone knows.

From Lift Chi Up to Pour Chi Down,
You’ve brought so much light to every town!
With gentle movements and healing sound,
You help us rise, so strong and unbound.
You teach us to open our hearts with care,
To find healing and joy, no matter where.

With laughter, smiles, and chi so bright,
You guide us all into the light.
Now, it’s your turn to take a break,
For birthdays call for some yummy cake!

But before you blow those candles out,
There’s something you should hear, no doubt.
This poem might have given you a clue,
I bet you’re smiling and wondering too!
“Is this a good poem?” You’ll soon decide,
Because yes, I used my AI to write it with pride!

increased energy

reduced stress

enhanced wellness

The Transformative Union of Collective Energy in Wisdom Healing Qigong

Master Mingtong Gu guiding a group of participants in a transformative Qigong practice.

“Establishing a Chi Field” was one of Dr. Pang’s great innovations and is based on his Hunyuan Entirety Theory.  A chi field is energy that is both internal and external, small and large, that encompasses all phenomena. 

To explain this further, a chi field is consciousness individually, collectively, and cumulatively unified by a certain purpose — cultivating a certain quality, such as love, joy, wholeness, creativity, healing, transformation, and so on — that purifies life-limiting patterns of the past.

In Wisdom Healing™ Qigong, we describe the chi field of healing as the union between Source Energy and the most important, quality information contributing to healing and awakening. That information is continuously energized when each of us are truly investing and directing our mind, heart, and embodied practice into the field of healing information.

Beyond just the presence of energy, the chi field is an energy field that is formed through a deep commitment and clear purpose. With a common purpose, participants feel a deep connection and support of an energetic presence that starts to formulate itself as a chi (energy) field, beyond an emotional connection.

The importance of coming together — the feeling of mutual support, and tapping into that ever-expanding, collective, and holographic nature of the chi field — is the essential additive difference between the chi field and the Source energy.

When we practice together, we multiply the power and benefit of Qigong, cultivating the unified chi field established many decades ago. The universal energy field is unfathomable, so to recognize the external chi field’s influence within, around, and beyond us is profoundly important.

We welcome everyone of every age, tradition, and culture to join in our Zhineng Qigong practice today!

Shared learning

Joyful fulfillment

Collective healing